Oxygen Concentrator

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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by dmloftus »

sedatedokc wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:13 pm Is there anything I need to tell my local shop if I would like them to install this? I see for an example a 7.5 amp breaker mentioned above, is this something the shop will know, or what else do I need to mention to the shop? Wiring?
A decent shop should know what to do if you tell them the load you are driving. I have the 7.5A breaker at 28V, which is plenty of juice to drive the Inogen. The shop needs to determine (with your agreement) which bus they connect the source side of the breaker to. In my case, we agreed on the avionics bus. Southtec assessed there was plenty of extra capacity on that bus, and it made the outlet switchable with the Avionics switch (as opposed to connecting directly to the HOT Bus). Not sure how the DA42 wiring differs from my DA40 XLS.
The USB-C can be another matter depending on how much you want to drive. If you're talking 10-20W 5V USB-C to power an iPad, probably not a big deal. I have 2 dual Stratus USB ports (4 total) plus the 110 Watts for the Inogen and that poses no issue. If you want a USB-C PD output that can supply 100W to power a PC or other power-hungry device, a careful supply vs load calculation needs to be made and potential adjustments made to accommodate both.
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by foehammer »

As an older pilot, I love the idea of having unlimited and easily available oxygen. This thread inspired me to go the oxygen concentrator route (found a lightly used one for a good deal) but I wanted to come up with a way to make the concentrator as easily accessible, yet out of the way, as possible. After researching some different options, I came across some different seat back organizers that looked promising. Thought I’d share since there was a question earlier about how to mount one of these and this has worked out really well for me.

My idea was to mount a rigid molle panel and use clips to secure the oxygen concentrator to the panel. Then I’d be able to pull the unit off the panel easily, and it would allow me to mount a spare battery alongside the unit. All easily reachable from the left seat.

I threw everything into a single picture that’s numbered (below) and I’ll include product links at the end…

#1 The first step was to super glue money clips to the concentrator and spare battery. This is likely the weakest link in the chain. I used regular super glue and it seems to be holding up just fine after a lot of tinkering with the setup and a couple of actual flights. This may need to be reattached with something different at some point, but so far so good. I went with money clips because they’re reasonably flexible and having the extra length on the backside makes it easier to get the concentrator on and off. The ones I chose are also a little narrower which helps too. I’m using an Inogen One G5 and I had to relocate the stickers on the back to make space for where I wanted the clips to go. I messed up and glued the clips slightly too high to expose the power plug, you can barely the edge of it in the pic. I use batteries, so I left it, but if you plug yours in you'll want to make sure you get that right.

#2 I needed to create a space between the molle panel and the back of the seat so that I could clip things in and out. I got some screw on furniture pads so that nothing would mess up the seat and attached them using some tiny furniture insert nuts along with some tiny flat head bolts so that they wouldn’t get in the way of the stuff I’m trying to hang on the panel. You could use stick on pads, but I wanted a more solid solution.

#3 The next thing to figure out was how to hang it off the seat. Seat back organizers all have a strap that goes around the headrest posts in a car, but since the headrest is just Velcro, I found some garage hooks that were a good size and smooth enough not to mess up the seat. Here’s the backside of the molle panel with everything on. The seat back organizer I found has two identical panels, so you can make 2 of these if you want!

#4 Here’s the front side. (there’s a couple of temporary brackets on the bottom to hold it up while I work on it)

#5 Total weight with unit and 2 double batteries comes in at a little under 10lbs. I think half of that is the batteries.

#6 Mounting it in the plane. I used slightly bigger bolts to hold the hooks on and used thumb nuts with flat head bolts to attach to the panel. I also moved the concentrator and battery over a bit to make room for a bicycle water bottle mount to have a drink holder / headset hanger.

#7 Here’s what it looks like from the side. I had thought that I’d need to connect a strap on the bottom and run it around the seat to hold the panel close to the seat, but it stays right in place without it. That may be something I do later though.

#8 Here’s what it looks like from the left seat. I had an easy time operating it in flight. At one point I wasn’t sure if it was on or not, so I used my phone as a mirror so that I could see the display and that worked well. With the unit oriented this direction, battery swaps work well because you reach underneath to the far side, pull down the lever, and slide the battery out toward you.

#9 Here’s what the hooks look like with the headrest off. Lots of Velcro still exposed for the headrest to grab on to and it isn’t digging into the seat in any way that feels like it’s going to tear it up.

#10 Here’s what it looks like with the headrest back on.

#11 Another view with the headrest back on.

#12 This was the setup with 2 people using the concentrator with regular 4ft cannulas. I found a little aquarium air pump splitter that works great and allows you to shut off the supply to each user without having to disconnect anything.

Here's the pic (recommend r-click open in new window)
Now after flights, all I need to do is pull batteries and throw them on the charger (I purchased a standalone charger). The concentrator just stays right where it is.

Here's my shopping list:
Molle Pannels: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092PZLTK2/re ... =UTF8&th=1
Stainless steel money clips: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08N42N7M9?re ... asin_title
Furniture sliders: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q8TQP1H/re ... =UTF8&th=1
Flat head bolts (M4x8): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CS92QFTZ?re ... title&th=1
Furniture insert nuts (M4x6): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DNYR9MMS?re ... title&th=1
Garage hooks: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1XQ5WFF?re ... title&th=1
Flat head bolts (M5x16): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D35NFF9X?re ... title&th=1
Knurled thumb nuts (M5): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZ4GF67V?re ... title&th=1
Oxygen line splitter: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J7PRCZB?re ... title&th=1

That’s it, enjoy!
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by Mjwatlanta »

Wow! Impressive! That’s a lot ingenuity. I just put mine on the back floor. I carry two batteries; but one will easily handle a 3 hour 400nm flight at 13-15 thousand feet keeping better than 95% O2 sat. It will then get me half way home too. If I have a passenger, it’s enough for one way with less to spare. I’ve never tried tank O2. But this works so well I don’t know why I would.
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by dmloftus »

Good creativity, but I just use the strap on my black carry case to hang the generator behind the copilot seat. If I’m flying by myself, I hang it from the front side. If someone is in the copilot seat, I just flip it around to the backside. And as I posted earlier, I run it off of ship’s power for unlimited supply. And it is easily removable. If necessary, I can also use the Inogen app on my iPhone to control and monitor it, although I can easily control it by touch.

Carry case on Amazon:
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by michael.g.miller »

Has anyone figured out a good boom mount cannula setup with the Inogen system (particularly with buddy breathing)? The cannulas hurt to wear after a 10h+ day of flying.
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by blsewardjr »

David- I have a used Inogen G5. I looked into the Inogen app on their website. I couldn't find any information on controlling it via the app, only on monitoring it. What features can you control? On/Off? Increase/Decrease flow? Thanks. Bernie
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by dant »

10h+ day of flying
How are you not just completely exhausted after 10+ hours of flying!
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by dmloftus »

blsewardjr wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:04 pm David- I have a used Inogen G5. I looked into the Inogen app on their website. I couldn't find any information on controlling it via the app, only on monitoring it. What features can you control? On/Off? Increase/Decrease flow? Thanks. Bernie
Great question - more accurately, I use the app to verify the changes I make manually with the buttons if I can't easily see the display when it is hanging behind the copilot seat.
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Re: Oxygen Concentrator

Post by foehammer »

michael.g.miller wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:57 am Has anyone figured out a good boom mount cannula setup with the Inogen system (particularly with buddy breathing)? The cannulas hurt to wear after a 10h+ day of flying.
This is phase 2 of my completely over-engineered oxygen concentrator setup project.

The plan is to use Mountain High Boom cannulas, either the MH twist lock or other quick connect for connecting the boom to the O2 supply, and running O2 lines along the ceiling by using notch-head line clamps with the existing screws holding up the headliner.

The idea is to have an O2 line that stows along the ceiling that you can pull off and easily connect to your boom cannula when needed.

I should have it done in a week or two and will post pics of how it turned out. Assuming it works the way I hope it does.
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